Richard Doetsch, International Bestselling Author of The 13th Hour, Half Past Dawn and Thieves of Heaven
...John Paul Davis clearly owns the genre of historical thrillers...
Steven Sora, Author of The Lost Colony of the Templars
...If John Paul Davis wrote the phone book we'd all be reading it...
Keith Houghton, #1 Bestselling Thriller Author
Takes you on a fast-paced, thoroughly researched thrill ride . . .
David Leadbeater, #1 Bestselling Thriller Author and Winner of the Amazon Storytelling Award
Fascinating, action-packed thriller melding past, present and future
Karen Perkins, International Bestselling Thriller Author and Winner of the Silver Medal for European Fiction in the 2015 Independent Publisher Book Awards
I was particularly thrilled to see a few mentions of Henry of Grosmont, first duke of Lancaster (c. 1310–61), a hero of mine!
Kathryn Warner, UK #1 Bestselling History Author
More than 250,000 copies sold or borrowed
More than 10 million KENP read
Five times in the UK Top 100
Once in the US Top 20
#1 in Historical Thrillers in the UK and Australia
#1 in more than ten categories/sub-categories on Amazon in three countries
Active member of International Thriller Writers (ITW)
Associate Fellow of the Royal Historical Society
I was born in Portsmouth on the south coast of England in the middle of a snowstorm; word has it the same was true of Charles Dickens. I’d love to say we have more than this in common. Due to my dad’s career, I’ve known home to be Portsmouth, Bristol, Birmingham and a few other places in between. I’ve also lived in Jane Austen’s Bath, but again, I can’t say that was more than a coincidence. On average, I move about ten miles north yearly. If this trend continues, I’ll probably finish up somewhere close to the Faeroe Isles.

I’ve been writing full-time since I was twenty-two, though probably more because of stubbornness than success. Like most writers, I’ve amassed a file of well over a hundred rejection slips – or at least I would have if I kept any of them – and once even had the honour of receiving three in the same envelope! After five years of following the traditional advice of trying to hook the perfect agent, I took the leap of faith and joined the ever-growing Indie revolution. Less than four months later, I woke up to find that The Templar Agenda was ranked number 16 in the UK chart and had sold more copies in one day before breakfast than in those first five years combined - admittedly, I don’t always get up that early! Looking back, I regard those years as the most important of my life simply because I made the most mistakes and learned the most lessons - most notably not to let the fear of failure ruin a lifelong dream!
Writing aside, in my time, I have worked for the Ministry of Defence – some have erroneously claimed as a spy! – graduated university, turned my back on the corporate ladder, been in and out of love, travelled across Europe and America, proved the existence of a Templar-governed New World Order and nearly got lost in a cave trying to salvage Montezuma’s treasure – one of the above I might have made up, but it’s probably not the one you think! The older I get, the more I’ve learned to appreciate the little things in life. While the lad in me still thinks James Bond is real and that the Die Hard movies are the best thing since sliced pizza, I love spending my days taking in the world around me, be it a European city, cathedral or ruined castle, a walk in the countryside, or anywhere in the company of my amazing friends and family. I spend most of my time in Shakespeare’s old town these days. If I’m not outside enjoying the wind, the rain and the tourists, then chances are I’m working on my latest thriller.

Thank you all for your interest in my work. Your kind words and objective feedback have been of enormous value over the years. For more on my books, please check out the relevant sections of this website as well as my AUTHOR pages at or
I'm rarely on social media these days. On the blue moons when I am, you can connect with me at the following: Here

If you have any comments, want to ask me a question, or wish to contact me regarding professional matters, please message me using the contact form below. If you leave the correct email address, I’ll try to reply.
Best Wishes